Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I think you really do tend to be two different people: what society expects of you and your real you.
By Sundaes

4 Bocas:

Blogger Rui Dantas Disse...

Conforme aprendi, há pelo menos 4 eus: o verdadeiro eu, como eu me vejo, como os outros me vêem, e como eu penso que os outros me vêem.

10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous Disse...

John Nash. Chaos theory... He was not what the society expected as a "normal" and integrated part of the world. His real "being" was saved by a woman and a love... And without his real soul, he would never have survived to what society expected.
Isn't schizophrenia necesary to survive in the 2 worlds?

1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous Disse...

Being real is being ourselves fully. It's not about living our lives for someone else or fitting in with someone else's idea of who we should be.

Finding what makes us be 'real' can be tricky because we play so many roles and wear so many different hats.

I´m positive you know who the real you is... be yourself always!
Sooner or later, you´ll realize that trying to be who you arent´t won´t pay off.

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous Disse...

Keep being yourself, always...
Fuck the society who wants to turn us as the sames conditionned prototypes!

4:22 PM  

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